03 diciembre 2005


[Some parent-teen arguments about video and computer games are part of 21st century. So don't panic if you have your share of those. On the other hand, don't ignore signs of a real problem with compulsive playing.

Here are some tips to make sure computer and video game playing remains a positive part of your teen's life.

MediaWise is the movement for everyone who cares about kids. It explains what media are doing to our children and youth and what we can do about it. MediaWise is an initiative of the National Institute on Media and the Family, a non-profit organization.]

#238 Educare Categoria-Educacion

by MediaWise

  • Set clear ground rules about when, where, how much, and what kind of game playing is allowed as soon as your teen starts to play games.
  • Intervene early before things get out of hand.
  • Limit game playing time.
  • Have clear consequences if time limits are not observed.
  • Enforce consequences consistently.
  • Make sure your teen is not playing in the middle of the night.
  • Require that homework and family chores be completed first.
  • Do not allow teen to skip school or work obligations to play video games.
  • Keep video and computer games out of teen's bedroom.
  • Be firm. Consistently enforce the rules. If your teen refuses to cooperate, restrict access for a period of time.
  • Be clear with your teen that constant arguments about game playing will result in loss of game playing privileges.
  • If nothing else works, go cold turkey. Get rid of the games.
  • Encourage alternative activities.
  • Help from a professional may be needed.


  • 1. LIMIT game playing time. (Recommendation: no more than one hour per day.)
  • 2. CHECK the age game ratings on the box. But become familiar with the game before you buy it. [(Some T(een) and E(veryone) rated games have a level of violence and sex that you may not be comfortable with.]
  • 3. USE other content sources and reviews to help you choose a game. (Games are often previewed in detail on the web.)
  • 4. CHECK KidScore for parent generated game reviews.
  • 5. RENT a game to preview before buying.
  • 6. AVOID the "first person shooter", killing-machine games. M-rated games are not meant for children or teenagers.
  • 7. REQUIRE that homework and chores be done before game playing. Playing games should be a reward.
  • 8. DO NOT PUT video game consoles or computers in children's bedrooms where they can shut the door and isolate themselves.
  • 9. PLAY AND ENJOY the game with your child; check in as your child moves into deeper levels in the game. (With some games the level of violence goes up the deeper into the game the player gets.)
  • 10. TALK about the content of the games. Ask your child what's going on in the game.
  • 11. EXPLAIN to your children why you object to certain games.
  • 12. ASK your local retailer or rental store to implement policies preventing the sale or rental of M-rated (mature) games to children or youth.
  • 13. LOOK for games that involve multiple players to encourage group play.
  • 14. PICK non-lethal games that require the player to come up with strategies, and make decisions in a game environment that is more complex than punch, run, and kill.
  • 15. Finally, ENCOURAGE your child to play with friends away from the video game set.

About violence in video games (Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence):

  • Do video games make people violent? Yes.
  • What was once a debatable question, is now fact. New research has concluded that video game violence and behavior related violence are in fact closely related.

  • Do video games teach people how to kill? Yes.
  • When video games were linked to the Columbine high school shooters, a frenzy of new research was launched, in which, one team of researchers discovered that first person shooter games do indeed teach gamers with the basic knowledge of how to kill. This research arrived be so conclusive that the U.S. government Army developed a free video game to be used as a virtual boot camp and killing simulator.

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